Cosy Family Photography session

Cosy Baby & Family Photography Session

Simple, timeless & emotive Portraits

Using natural light in the studio creates such soft, gorgeous light to these portraits.

Step into the warmth of family moments captured in time. When you join me for a session, it's not just about the perfectly posed smiles, it's about embracing the snuggles, the kisses, and those beautiful in-between moments that truly paint the picture of your family's love story.

Meet little Luan, just 8 weeks new. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, twinkled with curiosity and wonder as he interacted with his adoring mum and dad. It's these precious interactions, filled with genuine emotion, that I treasure capturing the most.

Sure, we'll snap a few photos for grandma where everyone's looking at the camera, but it's those candid shots that truly steal the show. The ones where love radiates from every frame.

As I look back on the shoot together, I'm reminded of the magic that unfolds when families come together in front of the lens. It's not just about creating stunning images (although we certainly did!), it's about freezing moments in time that you'll treasure for a lifetime.

Thank you for allowing me to capture the beauty of your family's love story. Here's to many more precious moments shared together.

Motherhood Photography - Passion Project

Beautiful Breastfeeding Photography and Motherhood Photography


I start my ‘beautiful breastfeeding’ project when my son decided to self wean unexpectedly just over 2 year ago. I had a tricky start with my breastfeeding journey with both kids however with the help of an amazing lactation consultant, I was a pro. I loved nursing and it was such an amazing experience and bonding time with my kids. The project has evolved to be more inclusive to a "motherhood project" as I want to capture and encourage more pregnant mama's to capture their glowing mums.

My project is aimed to help mothers captured these incredibly special moments and bond in a natural and candid way. I love to encourage and inspire mums that breastfeeding is tough but beautiful and no matter how long you are able to do it, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year they are amazing!


The Mission

The mission of my passion project is to inspire, encourage and celebrate breastfeeding mummy’s. It's to encourage more mums to capture their beautiful bumps. To be brave and be present in your children's childhood so we have gorgeous memories preserve for your families history.


Baby Photography Hertfordshire

Your baby’s first year will fly by. Before you know it, they’ll be sitting in front of their birthday cake, smiling for the camera.

Capturing the first twelve months with the help of a professional baby photographer gives you unique keepsakes of this very special time.

Today we are celebrating little Austin’s first birthday with a fun outdoor photography shoot. First Birthdays are always so special and a big milestone for most families. Your little one changes from newborn to baby to toddler all within 365 days.

Lots of families book a one year baby photography session with me so that they can capture and record these special memories for the future.

I offer my families the option to book a single baby photography session and focus on one precious age or choose regular photoshoots to document your baby’s story throughout the year.

I hope your year is fulled with exciting adventures, learning new skills and lots of snuggles with mummy.

Words - @jessurlichs_writer The talented author

People sometimes ask of my favourite days.
And I think of you being placed in my arms.
So small and new with those perfect wrinkles.
Those little cries I didn’t yet recognise.
At times I needed holding too, but oh, how I loved holding you.
Never had I felt so complete on empty.
Those slow motion days now harder to glimpse.
You are the sun to my rise,
as I think back to my favourite days.

And then I wasn’t supporting your neck anymore.
You were bouncing round on my hip instead.
Suddenly you were crawling and so was I,
discovering your new view with you and all you would get into.
You wore your personality with pride and as your confidence grew so did mine.
My heart was open and you filled it up.
You are the softness to my edges,
as I think back to my favourite days.

And then you were standing and I was standing a little taller too.
Growing into myself with you.
You were the chaos that gave me life.
As you took your first wobbly step you looked at me.
‘Is This OK’? you asked with your eyes.
‘It’s OK’ I nodded back.
And off you went.
I’d do anything for you.
You are the piece to my puzzle,
as I think back to my favourite days.

And now you’re growing into those bloated cheeks, a little boy before my eyes.
I think of the way your hand fits in mine.
The way you say, “I love you Mummy”.
You are the beat to my heart.
We’re lying on your bedroom floor and you’re soaring your toy car in the air.
“It’s REALLY fast Mummy, it’s my favourite car”
I look at you and tell you it’s my favourite too.
My absolute favourite.